72: Dermal Distinction – Dr Giulia D’Anna – Cosmetic Dentist, Injector Trainer

by | Oct 14, 2024

In addition to her clinical work as a dentist in her own practice since 1998, Dr Giulia D’Anna developed a keen interest in cosmetic facial procedures, prompting her to pursue additional training and education in non-surgical cosmetic injectables and Dermal skin science.

Dr. Giulia has contributed articles to various clinical and consumer publications. She also serves as a Key Opinion Leader and educator for Teoxane and the Dermal Distinction Academy, where she imparts her expertise
to aspiring practitioners. Her recognition as an Australian Expert by Teoxane underscores the notable trajectory of her career.
As an elected member of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (MRACDS), Dr. D’Anna brings over 9 years of experience as a cosmetic injectable educator and trainer. She has developed her own training program, emphasizing practical expertise, adherence to medical standards, and a commitment to
ethical practice.

Hanya Oversby met Dr Giulia at the recent NSS Conference in Queensland, Australia, where they explored her journey from focusing on the ‘teeth and the lip area’ to muscle modulation, to her passion of working with the whole appearance of the smile and facial harmony.

For more information on Dr Giulia, please click on this link



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