Comprehensive Course Weekend – Transition to Practice & Growth Strategies

The Westin Hotel 205 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

A medical practice is a business. For a business to operate at its full potential, there needs to be a fair degree of entrepreneurial spirit and framework embedded within it. As Michael Gerber says, “Doctors can open the portals of change in an instant. All you have to do is say, I don’t want to do it that way anymore”.

Practice Succession and Retirement Planning – Annual Retreat

Mount Lofty House 1 Mawson Drive, Crafters, South Australia, Australia

A successful retirement requires informed and considered decision making as early as possible. Many factors, both business and financial, need to be addressed and strategies developed to achieve a successful transition from practice to personal life. Delegates will be introduced to the four key principles of the practice valuation formula – they will also be guided, through both group and individual sessions, in the process of developing a succession plan tailored for their business and lifestyle needs. Whilst the education agenda is focussed on learning, guidance and action-planning, we will also take advantage of the lifestyle offerings of our venue and surroundings through sumptuous meals, excursions and social gatherings lubricated by the finest wines of the region."

CPCA CosDoc 2022

As a strategic business advisor, I’m literally taking care of business – everyday. I work with my clients on their businesses to set them up for success, make them more profitable, helping them grow. I also assist in developing their exist strategy, which could ultimately mean a successful and profitable sale of their business.

Disruption in Healthcare – Emerging Business & Lifestyle Models – Study Tour

Hobart & Freycinet Tasmania, Australia

Wealth & lifestyle planning discussion and we introduce new, innovative finance packages designed to facilitate practice and personal growth strategies. Further, we present an interactive workshop aimed at creating measurable, scalable, and targeted strategies designed to streamline your practice, and support and manage your team for growth.

44th Annual ASAPS Conference

Hotel Chadstone 1341 Dandenong Road, Cjadstone, Victoria, Australia

Business Management Stream - Creating Value in your Plastic Surgery Practice

Cosmedicon 2023

Intercontinental Hotel Double Bay 33 Cross Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Hanya Oversby is an invited Media guest, as the host of the Doctor Diaries Podcast and will be interviewing international guests and key opinion leaders

ASCD Symposium 2023

Crown Conference Centre Melbourne 8 Whiteman Street, Southbank, Victoria, Australia

As host of the Doctor Diaries Podcast Hanya Oversby is an invited Media guest, and will be recording interviews with international guests and key opinion leaders

Arab Health Congress 2024

Dubai World Trade Centre and Fairmont Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Discover the future of healthcare where collective effort, patient-centered care, and technology come together for a sustainable, next-gen healthcare experience.

ASCD Symposium 2024

Crown Conference Centre Melbourne 8 Whiteman Street, Southbank, Victoria, Australia

We look forward to seeing you at this must attend industry event.

Cosmedicon 2024

Intercontinental Hotel Double Bay 33 Cross Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia

After the success of the 2023 event, the next iteration is shaping up to be the pinnacle of boutique aesthetic conferences in Australia.

Digital Health Festival 2024

Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre 1 Convention Centre Pl, Melbourne, Australia

Digital Health Festival is the perfect environment to meet decision-makers from right across the health ecosystem.

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